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Beyond worst-case analysis for joins with minesweeper., , , и . PODS, стр. 234-245. ACM, (2014)An energy complexity model for algorithms., , и . ITCS, стр. 283-304. ACM, (2013)Data Stream Algorithms for Codeword Testing., и . ICALP (1), том 6198 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 629-640. Springer, (2010)Efficient List Decoding of Explicit Codes with Optimal Redundancy.. AAECC, том 4851 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 38-46. Springer, (2007)Limits to List Decoding Random Codes.. COCOON, том 5609 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 27-36. Springer, (2009)Answering FAQs in CSPs, probabilistic graphical models, databases, logic and matrix operations (invited talk).. STOC, стр. 4. ACM, (2017)Energy Aware Algorithmic Engineering., , и . MASCOTS, стр. 321-330. IEEE Computer Society, (2014)Topology Dependent Bounds For FAQs., , , и . PODS, стр. 432-449. ACM, (2019)Joins via Geometric Resolutions: Worst-case and Beyond., , , и . PODS, стр. 213-228. ACM, (2015)Lower bounds for randomized read/write stream algorithms., , и . STOC, стр. 689-698. ACM, (2007)