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Offshore production and skill upgrading by Japanese manufacturing firms, и . Journal of International Economics, 58 (1): 81--105 (октября 2002)Agglomeration benefits and location choice, , и . NBER working paper series National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)Rationalization effects of tariff reductions, и . Journal of International Economics, 47 (2): 295--320 (01.04.1999)Agglomeration Benefits and Location Choice: Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Investments in the United States, , и . Journal of International Economics, 38 (3-4): 223-47 (1995)Overseas Investment and Firm Exports, и . Review of International Economics, 9 (1): 108-22 (2001)The Puzzling Persistence of the Distance Effect on Bilateral Trade, и . The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90 (1): 37-48 (февраля 2008)Infant industry protection in the steel rail industry. Journal of International Economics, 37 (3-4): 141--165 (ноября 1994)FDI as an outcome of the market for corporate control: Theory and evidence, и . Journal of International Economics, 74 (1): 2--20 (января 2008)The attraction of foreign manufacturing investments, , и . NBER working paper series Nat. Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, Mass., (1994)