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A multivariate version of Ghosh's T3-plot to detect non-multinormality, , и . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 28 (4): 371--386 (28.10.1998)The characteristic functions of spherical matrix distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters, 17 (4): 273--279 (13.07.1993)Estimation of scale matrix of elliptically contoured matrix distributions, и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 24 (4): 289--297 (сентября 1995)Some methods for generating both an NT-net and the uniform distribution on a Stiefel manifold and their applications, и . Computational Statistics & Data Analysis, 24 (1): 29--46 (06.03.1997)A mixed-type test for linearity in time series, , и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 88 (2): 339--353 (01.08.2000)