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Swarming computer security: an experiment in policy distribution., , and . SIS, page 436-439. IEEE, (2005)Results-oriented security., , and . MALWARE, page 42-49. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Suppressing the Spread of Email Malcode using Short-term Message Recall., , , and . J. Comput. Virol., 1 (1-2): 4-12 (2005)Danger theory and collaborative filtering in MANETs., , , , , , and . J. Comput. Virol., 5 (4): 345-355 (2009)Reputation Prediction in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Using RBF Neural Networks., , , , , and . EANN, volume 43 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 485-494. (2009)Multiple-base Logarithmic Quantization and Application in Reduced Precision AI Computations., , , , , and . ARITH, page 48-51. IEEE, (2024)A Structuration Agency Approach to Security Policy Enforcement in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks., , and . Inf. Secur. J. A Glob. Perspect., 17 (5&6): 267-277 (2008)I'm not sure if we're okay: uncertainty for attackers and defenders., , and . NSPW, page 1-10. ACM, (2016)Modeling malcode with Hephaestus: beyond simple spread., and . ACM Southeast Regional Conference, page 379-384. ACM, (2007)Evaluating Security Products with Clinical Trials., , , , and . CSET, USENIX Association, (2009)