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Other publications of authors with the same name

Inequality aversion and the natural rate of subjective inequality, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 87 (5-6): 1061--1090 (May 2003)Testing for horizontal inequity econometrically, and . IFS working paper series Inst. for Fiscal Studies, London, (1997)Income tax progressivity and revenue growth, and . Economics Letters, 3 (4): 377--380 (1979)Evaluating effective income tax progression, , and . Journal of Public Economics, 56 (3): 461--474 (March 1995)Attitudes to risk, and . Economics Letters, 2 (3): 215--218 (1979)Sequential procedures for poverty gap dominance., and . Social Choice and Welfare, 39 (2-3): 649-673 (2012)RANKING INCOME DISTRIBUTIONS WHEN NEEDS DIFFER, and . Review of Income and Wealth, 39 (4): 337-356 (1993)Advanced mathematics for economists. Blackwell, Oxford u.a., (1985)The distribution and redistribution of income. Manchester Univ. Press, Manchester u.a., 2. ed edition, (1993)Disparities in socio-economic outcomes: some positive propositions and their normative implications., and . Social Choice and Welfare, 43 (3): 565-576 (2014)