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Graph-based Feature Selection Filter Utilizing Maximal Cliques., , , , и . SNAMS, стр. 297-302. IEEE, (2019)PULL: Reactive Log Anomaly Detection Based On Iterative PU Learning., , , , и . HICSS, стр. 1376-1385. ScholarSpace, (2023)Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection from Distributed Traces., , , и . UCC, стр. 342-347. IEEE, (2020)Scalable and Data-driven Decision Support in the Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul Process., , , , , и . IEEM, стр. 344-348. IEEE, (2022)Get Your Memory Right: The Crispy Resource Allocation Assistant for Large-Scale Data Processing., , , , и . IC2E, стр. 58-66. IEEE, (2022)Efficient Runtime Profiling for Black-box Machine Learning Services on Sensor Streams., , , и . ICFEC, стр. 88-93. IEEE, (2022)Multi-source Distributed System Data for AI-Powered Analytics., , , , , и . ESOCC, том 12054 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 161-176. Springer, (2020)Anomaly Detection from System Tracing Data Using Multimodal Deep Learning., , и . CLOUD, стр. 179-186. IEEE, (2019)HiMFP: Hierarchical Intelligent Memory Failure Prediction for Cloud Service Reliability., , , , , и . DSN, стр. 216-228. IEEE, (2023)Superiority of Simplicity: A Lightweight Model for Network Device Workload Prediction., , , , и . FedCSIS, том 21 из Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, стр. 7-10. (2020)