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A delta-sampling verification theorem for discrete-time, possibly discontinuous systems., и . HSCC, стр. 140-148. ACM, (2015)A Non-Conservative Small-Gain Theorem for GAS Discrete-Time Systems., , , и . NOLCOS, стр. 26-31. International Federation of Automatic Control, (2013)Synthesis of Trajectory-Dependent Control Lyapunov Functions by a Single Linear Program., и . HSCC, том 5469 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 237-251. Springer, (2009)Nonlinear Model Predictive Control of Ironless Linear Motors., , и . CCTA, стр. 927-932. IEEE, (2018)Constrained state-feedback control of an externally excited synchronous machine., и . MED, стр. 1133-1140. IEEE, (2013)Stabilizing tube-based model predictive control: Terminal set and cost construction for LPV systems., , и . Autom., (2017)An alternative converse Lyapunov theorem for discrete-time systems., , , и . Syst. Control. Lett., (2014)Observer design for DC/DC power converters with bilinear averaged model., , и . ADHS, том 45 из IFAC Proceedings Volumes, стр. 204-209. Elsevier, (2012)Empirical case-studies of state fusion via ellipsoidal intersection., и . FUSION, стр. 1-8. IEEE, (2011)Input-to-state stability analysis for interconnected difference equations with delay., , и . Math. Control. Signals Syst., 24 (1-2): 33-54 (2012)