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Automated schema design for NoSQL databases.. SIGMOD PhD Symposium, стр. 41-45. ACM, (2014)An Integrated Approach for Column-Oriented Database Application Evolution Using Conceptual Models., , , и . ER (Workshops), том 13012 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 26-32. Springer, (2021)Physical Design for Non-relational Data Systems.. University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, (2018) ( Monoid-based Enrichment for Configurable and Scalable Data-Driven Schema Discovery.. CoRR, (2023)Renormalization of NoSQL Database Schemas., и . ER, том 11157 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 479-487. Springer, (2018)Learning from Uncurated Regular Expressions for Semantic Type Classification.. SiMoD@SIGMOD, стр. 4:1-4:5. ACM, (2023)Large Language Models for JSON Schema Discovery.. CoRR, (2024)ReSpark: Automatic Caching for Iterative Applications in Apache Spark., и . IEEE BigData, стр. 331-340. IEEE, (2020)Maintaining NoSQL Database Quality During Conceptual Model Evolution., , , и . IEEE BigData, стр. 2043-2048. IEEE, (2020)Learning from Uncurated Regular Expressions.. CoRR, (2022)