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Implicit knowledge discovery in biomedical ontologies: Computing interesting relatednesses.

, , , and . BIBM, page 497-502. IEEE Computer Society, (2015)

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Algorithmic determination of core positions in the VL and VH domains of immunoglobulin molecules., , , and . RECOMB, page 85-93. ACM, (1998)Personalized Case Driven Parental Education Informatics in the NICU., , , and . MedInfo, volume 129 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 1437-1441. IOS Press, (2007)Featureless Pattern Recognition in an Imaginary Hilbert Space and Its Application to Protein Fold Classification., , , , and . MLDM, volume 2123 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 322-336. Springer, (2001)Reflections on Biomedical Informatics: From Cybernetics to Genomic Medicine and Nanomedicine., and . MIE, volume 124 of Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, page 19-24. IOS Press, (2006)Defining spatial context for focused image analysis., and . SMC, page 1184-1187. IEEE, (2001)A Maximum-Likelihood Formulation and EM Algorithm for the Protein Multiple Alignment Problem., , , , and . PRIB, volume 6282 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 171-182. Springer, (2010)EXPERT: A System for Developing Consultation Models., and . IJCAI, page 942-947. William Kaufmann, (1979)Automatic Protein Function Annotation through Candidate Ortholog Clusters from Incomplete Genomes., , and . CSB Workshops, page 73-74. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)Building Expert Systems for Controlling Complex Programs., , , , , , and . AAAI, page 322-326. AAAI Press, (1982)Artificial intelligence in medicine: a personal retrospective on its emergence and early function.. History of Medical Informatics, page 199. ACM, (1987)