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Automatic dance generation from music annotation.

, , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 352-353. ACM, (2004)

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Evaluation of finger position estimation with a small ranging sensor array., , and . SUI, page 120-127. ACM, (2017)Constructing negotiation of meaning model for task-based language training online game., , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, volume 203 of ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, page 151-154. ACM, (2007)A fitness game reflecting heart rate., and . Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, page 53. ACM, (2006)Locomotion Control Technique for Immersive Conversation Environment., , and . KES (3), volume 3683 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 875-882. Springer, (2005)RoughON: A Portable Music Sketch Production System by Real Time Input of Melody., and . ICEC, volume 10507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 32-37. Springer, (2017)HANASUI: Multi-view Observable and Movable Fogscreen., , , , , and . ICEC, volume 8770 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 189-196. Springer, (2014)Japanese Anime Production Support System with Digital Storyboards., , , and . ICEC, volume 10507 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 383-386. Springer, (2017)Complaint Handling Training VR System using Customer Agent., , , and . ICBBE, page 148-152. ACM, (2019)Entertainment Displays Which Restore Negative Images of Shopping Center., , and . Advances in Computer Entertainment, volume 7624 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 585-588. Springer, (2012)Instruction pictograms for experience-based displays and their use cases., and . Entertain. Comput., (2022)