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Monitoring pH with HART communication., and . IDAACS, page 864-869. IEEE, (2017)Privacy-Preserving Sensing and Two-Stage Building Occupancy Prediction Using Random Forest Learning., and . J. Sensors, (2021)Achieving Sensor Fusion for Collaborative Multi-level Monitoring of Pipeline Infrastructures.. CoRR, (2015)A Backstepping Control Method for a Nonlinear Process - Two Coupled-Tanks., , , , , and . CoRR, (2013)Reporting Interval Impact on Deep Residential Energy Measurement Prediction., , , , and . AMPS, page 1-6. IEEE, (2021)Dynamic Task Planning of Aerial Robotic Platforms for Ground Sensor Data Collection and Processing., , and . RAAD, volume 371 of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, page 397-405. Springer, (2015)Integrating wireless body and ambient sensors into a hybrid femtocell network for home monitoring., , , and . ICSCS, page 32-37. IEEE, (2013)Zone-level agreement by consensus for building thermal energy management., and . ICCA, page 377-382. IEEE, (2016)An approach for weighted average consensus in event detection., , , and . MED, page 1100-1105. IEEE, (2017)Dynamic Nonlinear Modelling of Building Structure Using the Force Analogy Method., , , and . IDAACS, page 1068-1073. IEEE, (2019)