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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

A Server Selection Method Based on Communication Delay and Communication Frequency among Users for Networked Virtual Environments., , , und . ASIAN, Volume 2550 von Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seite 125-139. Springer, (2002)Management of QoS for Real-Time Shared Three Dimensional Virtual Spaces., , , , , , , , , und . CODAS, Seite 242-245. World Scientific, (1996)C3: A Scalable Networked Virtual Reality System., , , , , und . Applied Informatics, Seite 268-271. IASTED/ACTA Press, (1999)Extending the RISE controller for the interconnection of RISE and OS3E/NDDI., , , , , , und . ICON, Seite 243-248. IEEE, (2012)A stream merge method to reduce load for sensor data stream delivery., , , , , und . GCCE, Seite 120-121. IEEE, (2015)Deployment and operation of wide-area hybrid OpenFlow networks., , , , , und . NOMS, Seite 1135-1142. IEEE, (2012)A System Design for Detecting Moving Objects in Capturing Video Images Using Laser Range Scanners., , , , und . NBiS, Volume 7 von Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies, Seite 1027-1036. Springer, (2017)Resilience Evaluations of a Wide-area Distributed System with a SDN-FIT system., , und . ICT-DM, Seite 1-8. IEEE, (2019)A Proposal of SDN-FIT System to Evaluate Wide-Area Distributed Applications Based on Exhaustive FIT Scenario Generation., , und . COMPSAC (2), Seite 36-41. IEEE, (2019)An Architecture of Personalized Sports Digest System with Scenario Templates., , , , und . DASFAA, Seite 170-171. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)