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Out of context: Computer systems that adapt to, and learn from, context., и . IBM Systems Journal, 39 (3&4): 617- (2000)Multi-focus and multi-level techniques for visualization and analysis of networks with thematic data., , и . Visualization and Data Analysis, том 8654 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 865403. SPIE, (2013)Representation Matters: The Effect of 3D Objects and a Spatial Metaphor in a Graphical User Interface., , , и . BCS HCI, стр. 209-219. Springer, (1998)CHI2002: creative computing workshop., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 934-935. ACM, (2002)CarCoach: a polite and effective driving coach., , и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 357-362. ACM, (2006)Canopy climb: a rope interface., и . SIGGRAPH, ACM, (2003)Knowledge-Guided Interpretation and Generation of Task-Oriented Dialogue., , , и . IWSDS, стр. 27-39. Springer, (2014)New Paradigms for Computing (Introduction to the Special Section).. Commun. ACM, 39 (8): 28-30 (1996)TravelRole: A carpooling / physical social network creator., и . CTS, стр. 629-634. IEEE, (2010)Phrase-verified voting: Verifiable low-tech remote boardroom voting: How We Voted on Tenure & Promotion Cases during the Pandemic., , , и . Cryptologia, 46 (1): 67-101 (2022)