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Depth map compression via 3D region-based representation., , and . Multim. Tools Appl., 76 (12): 13761-13784 (2017)UPC System for the 2016 MediaEval Multimodal Person Discovery in Broadcast TV task., , , , , , and . MediaEval, volume 1739 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2016)Scalable Segmentation-Based Coding of Video Sequences Addressing Content-Based Functionalities., and . ICIP (2), page 1-4. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)Oriented Trajectories as a Method for Audience Measurement., , , and . ISIE, page 765-770. IEEE, (2018)Fusion of colour and depth partitions for depth map coding., , and . DSP, page 1-7. IEEE, (2013)A Proposal for Dependent Optimization in Scalable Region-Based Coding Systems., and . ICIP (4), page 295-299. IEEE, (1999)Depth map coding based on a optimal hierarchical region representation., , and . 3DTV-Conference, page 1-4. IEEE, (2012)Fruit detection and 3D location using instance segmentation neural networks and structure-from-motion photogrammetry., , , , , , and . Comput. Electron. Agric., (2020)Region-based depth map coding using a 3D scene representation., , and . ICASSP, page 1235-1239. IEEE, (2015)Promeds: An adaptive robust fundamental matrix estimation approach., and . 3DTV-Conference, page 1-4. IEEE, (2012)