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Information Theory Methods in Communication Complexity., , , and . CCC, page 93-102. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Estimating statistical aggregates on probabilistic data streams., , , and . PODS, page 243-252. ACM, (2007)Analysis of Large-Scale Distributed Information Systems., , and . MASCOTS, page 164-171. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Controlling Attention in a Memory-Augmented Neural Network To Solve Working Memory Tasks., , , , , and . CogSci, page 478-484., (2019)Optimal Bounds for Johnson-Lindenstrauss Transforms and Streaming Problems with Subconstant Error., and . ACM Trans. Algorithms, 9 (3): 26:1-26:17 (2013)Exponential separation of quantum and classical one-way communication complexity., , and . STOC, page 128-137. ACM, (2004)On Multiplicative Weight Updates for Concave and Submodular Function Maximization., , and . ITCS, page 201-210. ACM, (2015)OLAP over uncertain and imprecise data., , , , and . VLDB J., 16 (1): 123-144 (2007)OLAP Over Uncertain and Imprecise Data., , , , and . VLDB, page 970-981. ACM, (2005)Online optimization for the smart (micro) grid., , and . e-Energy, page 19. ACM, (2012)