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Ubiquitous Health Management System with Watch-Type Monitoring Device for Dementia Patients., , and . J. Appl. Math., (2014)An XML Based User Context Language for Personalized Service in Ubiquitous Digital Library., , and . ALPIT, page 367-372. IEEE Computer Society, (2008)Effective Diagnosis of Heart Disease through Bagging Approach., , and . BMEI, page 1-4. IEEE, (2009)Research on Quantitative Prioritization Techniques for Selecting Optimal Security Measures., , , , , and . IEEE Access, (2024)A Study on Network Anomaly Detection Using Fast Persistent Contrastive Divergence., , , , , and . Symmetry, 16 (9): 1220 (September 2024)Smart Watch and Monitoring System for Dementia Patients., , and . GPC, volume 7861 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 577-584. Springer, (2013)Improving capacity of Hamming (n, k)+1 stego-code by using optimized Hamming + k., , , and . Digit. Signal Process., (2018)Research and Implementation of the Context-Aware Middleware Based on Neural Network., , , and . AIS, volume 3397 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 295-303. Springer, (2004)Design and Implementation of a Game Physics Editor Using XML., , , and . Edutainment, volume 3942 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 696-699. Springer, (2006)Sensor-based Abnormal Behavior Detection Using Autoencoder., , and . SoICT, page 111-117. ACM, (2019)