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Tool-supported teaching of UML diagrams in software engineering education - A systematic literature review., and . MIPRO, page 1404-1409. IEEE, (2022)A hands-on approach on software engineering education using fischertechnik hardware., , and . ECSEE, page 71-75. ACM, (2020)Work-in-Progress: Towards detection and syntactical analysis in UML class diagrams for software engineering education., and . EDUCON, page 3-7. IEEE, (2020)Work-In-Progress: Converting textual software engineering class diagram exercises to UML models., and . EDUCON, page 1-3. IEEE, (2022)Just-in-Time Teaching in software engineering: A Chinese-German empirical case study., , , , and . EDUCON, page 983-986. IEEE, (2014)Development of an Authoring Tool for the Creation of Individual 3D Game-Based Learning Environments., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). ECSEE, page 204-209. ACM, (2023)Software Engineering Education of Classical Computing vs. Quantum Computing: A Competency-Centric Approach., and . ECSEE, page 27-31. ACM, (2020)Towards a Competency-based Education with Gamification Design Elements., , and . CHI PLAY, page 457-462. ACM, (2015)Planspiel und Briefmethode für die Software Engineering Ausbildung - ein Erfahrungsbericht., and . SEUH, volume 695 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings, page 10-15., (2011)A task is not a task - Empirical results about the quality of instructional tasks in higher education., and . EDUCON, page 684-687. IEEE, (2017)