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Linear quadratic regulation for Itô system with state delays., , and . ICCA, page 882-885. IEEE, (2017)Optimal Control Problem for Discrete-Time Systems with Colored Multiplicative Noise., , and . ICCA, page 231-235. IEEE, (2019)LQG control on mixed H2/H∞ problem: the discrete-time case., , , and . Int. J. Syst. Sci., 51 (1): 191-201 (2020)Linear Quadratic Optimal Control for Systems Governed by First-Order Hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations., , and . J. Syst. Sci. Complex., 37 (1): 230-252 (February 2024)Stochastic control for discrete-time systems with input delay., , and . ACC, page 5540-5545. IEEE, (2014)Decentralized Optimal Control for Linear Stochastic Systems with Control Signals subject to Unknown Noises., , , and . ICCA, page 186-191. IEEE, (2024)Solving optimal predictor-feedback control using approximate dynamic programming., , , , and . Autom., (2024)Decentralized control for optimal LQ problems in stochastic systems with unknown uncertainties., , , and . J. Frankl. Inst., 361 (18): 107274 (2024)A model-based control of CO2 concentration in multi-zone ACB air-conditioning systems., , , and . ICCA, page 467-472. IEEE, (2016)Optimal Linear Closed-Loop Stackelberg Strategy with Asymmetric Information., , , and . J. Optim. Theory Appl., 199 (3): 1158-1187 (December 2023)