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Tebis: index shipping for efficient replication in LSM key-value stores., , , и . EuroSys, стр. 85-98. ACM, (2022)Violin: A Framework for Extensible Block-Level Storage., и . MSST, стр. 128-142. IEEE Computer Society, (2005)CableS : Thread Control and Memory System Extensions for Shared Virtual Memory Clusters., и . WOMPAT, том 2104 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 170-184. Springer, (2001)Evaluation of Custom vs Commodity Technology-based Storage Elements., , , и . CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, стр. 1-9. (2008)Using gLite to Implement a Secure ICGrid., , , , , и . CoreGRID Workshop on Grid Middleware, стр. 1-15. (2008)Parallelization and performance of 3D ultrasound imaging beamforming algorithms on modern clusters., , , , , и . ICS, стр. 294-304. ACM, (2002)Efficient remote block-level I/O over an RDMA-capable NIC., , , и . ICS, стр. 97-106. ACM, (2006)EVOLVE: Towards Converging Big-Data, High-Performance and Cloud-Computing Worlds., , , , , , , , , и 11 other автор(ы). DATE, стр. 975-980. IEEE, (2022)A Comparative Experimental Study of Parallel File Systems for Large-Scale Data Processing., , , и . LASCO, USENIX Association, (2008)Balancing Garbage Collection vs I/O Amplification using hybrid Key-Value Placement in LSM-based Key-Value Stores., , , , и . CoRR, (2021)