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Efficient shortest path finding of k-nearest neighbor objects in road network databases., , , , и . SAC, стр. 1661-1665. ACM, (2010)Android malware classification method: Dalvik bytecode frequency analysis., , , и . RACS, стр. 349-350. ACM, (2013)Design of a Reliable Hardware Stack to Defend Against Frame Pointer Overwrite Attacks., , и . ISI, том 3975 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 731-732. Springer, (2006)A Multimodal Deep Learning Method for Android Malware Detection Using Various Features., , , , и . IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur., 14 (3): 773-788 (2019)Automatic hybrid analysis technique to improve botnet code coverage using fake server., , и . RACS, стр. 276-282. ACM, (2019)A Survey on P2P Botnet Detection., и . ICITCS, том 120 из Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, стр. 589-593. Springer, (2011)Malware analysis method using visualization of binary files., , и . RACS, стр. 317-321. ACM, (2013)Distributed Garbage Collection by Timeouts and Backward Inquiry., , и . COMPSAC, стр. 426-432. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)A Study on Similarity Calculation Method for API Invocation Sequences., , и . RSKT, том 9436 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 492-501. Springer, (2015)DGA-based malware detection using DNS traffic analysis., , и . RACS, стр. 283-288. ACM, (2019)