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Tools and Methodologies for High Speed Network Desing., , и . Integrated Broadband Communications, том C-18 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 107-118. Elsevier, (1993)Performance analysis of an edge optical burst switching node with a large number of wavelengths, , и . (2003)Resource Optimization Subject to a Percentile Response Time SLA for Enterprise Computing., и . GLOBECOM, IEEE, (2006)A Computationally Efficient Approximation Algorithm for Feed-Forward Open Queueing Networks with Blocking., и . Perform. Evaluation, 9 (3): 217-224 (1989)Performance modelling of a multi-buffered banyan switch under bursty traffic., и . IEEE Trans. Commun., 42 (234): 891-895 (1994)Semaphore queues: modeling multilayered window flow control mechanisms., , и . IEEE Trans. Commun., 38 (3): 309-317 (1990)Blocking in Wavelength Routing Networks, Part II: Mesh Topolgies, , и . стр. 1321-1330. (1999)Performance Modelling of a Multi-Buffered Banyan Switch Under Bursty Traffic., и . INFOCOM, стр. 436-445. IEEE Computer Society, (1992)Performance Analysis of Pools in Soft Real-Time Design Architectures., , и . MASCOTS, стр. 15-22. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Analysis of a Traffic-Groomed Optical Network with Alternate Routing., и . ITNG, стр. 854-862. IEEE Computer Society, (2007)