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Mood from painting: Estimating the mood of painting by using color image scale., , и . FCV, стр. 1-4. IEEE, (2015)Color juxtaposition for pointillism based on an artistic color model and a statistical analysis., и . Vis. Comput., 26 (6-8): 421-431 (2010)Adaptive Brush Stroke Generation for Painterly Rendering., и . Eurographics (Short Presentations), Eurographics Association, (2004)A Painterly Rendering Based on Stroke Profile and Database., , и . CAe, стр. 9-16. Eurographics Association, (2009)Rendering Technique for Colored Paper Mosaic., , , , и . International Conference on Computational Science (2), том 4488 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 114-121. Springer, (2007)View Morphing Using Sprites with Depth., и . IV, стр. 323-330. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)System for matching paintings with music based on emotions., , , , и . SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Briefs, стр. 31. ACM, (2016)Dynamic Brush Stroke Generation for an Impressionist Effect., и . ICCSA (1), том 3980 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 402-409. Springer, (2006)Generating Stained Glass Animation., , и . Edutainment, том 10345 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 228-232. Springer, (2017)Motion Map Generation for Maintaining the Temporal Coherence of Brush Strokes., и . VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers), том 4 из Communications in Computer and Information Science, стр. 139-152. Springer, (2006)