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Tracking performance of a quantized adaptive filter equipped with the sign algorithm, , и . Signal Processing, 69 (2): 157--162 (28.09.1999)Hyperspectral bands prediction based on inter-band spectral correlation structure., , и . Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems, том 8655 из SPIE Proceedings, стр. 86550Y. SPIE, (2013)Continuous variable sampling rate, application on speech., , и . ISCC, стр. 189-193. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)PHY-MAC Cross Layer Issues for QoS Provisioning in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks., , , и . ITNG, стр. 100-105. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)A lattice low-delay code-excited linear prediction speech coder at 16 kb/s., , и . ISCC, стр. 184-188. IEEE Computer Society, (1997)An Arnold Cat Map-Based Chaotic Approach for Securing Voice Communication., , и . INFOS, стр. 329-331. ACM, (2016)Novel hybrid soft-hard demodulation schemes for RQD constellation., , и . TSP, стр. 684-688. IEEE, (2012)Denoising algorithm for noisy chaotic signal by using wavelet transform: Comprehensive study., , , и . ICITST, стр. 79-85. IEEE, (2011)Interference mitigation in heterogeneous networks using Fractional Frequency Reuse., , и . WINCOM, стр. 154-159. IEEE, (2016)Arabic dialect identification based on motif discovery using GMM-UBM with different motif lengths., , и . ICNLSP, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2018)