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The Half-Half Plot., и . Technometrics, 54 (2): 138-146 (2012)General Weak Laws of Large Numbers for Bootstrap Sample Means, и . Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 23 (4): 853--869 (2005)Tail processes under heavy random censorship with applications, и . Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 5 (3): 223--235 (1995)A general form of the law of the iterated logarithm for the weighted multivariate empirical process. Statistics & Probability Letters, 5 (3): 181--185 (апреля 1987)Limit theorems for tail processes with application to intermediate quantile estimation. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 32 (1): 137--145 (июля 1992)Confidence bands for the quantile function under random censoring. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 36 (1): 69--75 (июля 1993)Specification tests in nonparametric regression, и . Journal of Econometrics, 143 (1): 88--102 (марта 2008)Glivenko--Cantelli-type theorems for weighted empirical distribution functions based on uniform spacings, и . Statistics & Probability Letters, 13 (5): 411--419 (07.04.1992)Maximal type test statistics based on conditional processes, и . Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 53 (1): 1--19 (01.08.1996)An M-estimator for tail dependence in arbitrary dimensions, , и . Annals of Statistics, 40 (3): 1764-1793 (2012)