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The LATEX graphics companion, , и . Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass. u.a., (1997)Der LATEX-Begleiter, и . st - scientific tools Pearson Studium, München u.a., 2., überarb. und erw. Aufl. издание, (2005)Effective Floating Strategies.. DocEng, стр. 29-38. ACM, (2017)The LaTeX Graphics Companion: Illustrating Documents with TEX and Postscript (Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting), , , , и . Addison-Wesley Longman, Amsterdam, 2nd Revised edition (REV). издание, (сентября 2007)Der LaTeX Begleiter, , и . Addison-Wesley, München, (2000)The ŁaTeX~Companion, , , , и . Addison-Wesley Professional, 2 издание, (22.04.2004)Goossens's name appears first on the earlier edition. Includes bibliographical references (p. 963-982) and indexes..The LATEX companion, 2nd Edition., , и . Addison-Wesley series on tools and techniques for computer typesetting Addison-Wesley, (2004)¬The LATEX graphics companion, , и . Addison-Wesley, Boston u.a., 5. print. издание, (2000)Der ŁaTeX-Begleiter, , и . Addison-Wesley, München, (1994)Der LATEX-Begleiter., , и . Addison-Wesley, (1995)