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Incremental All Pairs Similarity Search for Varying Similarity Thresholds with Reduced I/O Overhead., , and . IKE, page 687-693. CSREA Press, (2009)On perturbation theory and an algorithm for maximal clique enumeration in uncertain and noisy graphs., , , and . KDD Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Uncertain Data, page 48-56. ACM, (2009)PBA*: Using Proactive Search to Make A* Robust to Unplanned Deviations., and . AAAI, page 880-885. AAAI Press, (2008)Web-Enabled R for Large-Scale Collaborative Data Mining: A Survey., , and . IKE, page 615-621. CSREA Press, (2009)PR: Automatic parallelization of data-parallel statistical computing codes for R in hybrid multi-node and multi-core environments., , , , and . IADIS AC (2), page 28-32. IADIS Press, (2009)BioDEAL: community generation of biological annotations., , , and . BMC Medical Informatics Decis. Mak., 9 (S-1): S5 (2009)Systematic Evaluation of Convergence Criteria in Iterative Training for NLP., , , , and . FLAIRS, AAAI Press, (2009)Scientific Data Analysis., , , , , , , , , and 1 other author(s). Scientific Data Management, CRC Press / Taylor & Francis, (2009)Incremental all pairs similarity search for varying similarity thresholds., , and . SNAKDD, page 1. ACM, (2009)pR: Lightweight, Easy-to-Use Middleware to Plugin Parallel Analytical Computing with R., , , and . IKE, page 667-673. CSREA Press, (2009)