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A New Multi-Layered Coding Sequence for JPEG2000 with Reduced Memory Requirement.

, , , and . ICIP, page 3113-3116. IEEE, (2006)

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A novel efficient rate control algorithm for hardware implementation in JPEG2000., and . ICASSP (5), page 21-24. IEEE, (2005)An Efficient Deblocking Filter with Self-Transposing Memory Architecture For H.264/AVC., , and . ICASSP (2), page 925-928. IEEE, (2006)Efficient Hardware Implementation for H.264/AVC Motion Estimation., , , and . APCCAS, page 1749-1752. IEEE, (2006)Muli-Issue Multi-Threaded Stream Processor., , and . ICME, page 2041-2044. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Novel Heuristic Mapping Algorithms for Design Space Exploration of Multiprocessor Embedded Architectures., and . PDP, page 801-804. IEEE Computer Society, (2016)CTIS, Policy Making Body for National Research Information System in IRAN., and . CRIS, The European Organisation for International Research Information, (2012)Unequal Error Protection for the Scalable Extension of H.264/AVC Using Genetic Algorithm., , and . CSICC, volume 6 of Communications in Computer and Information Science, page 194-202. (2008)Developing Bilingual Plagiarism Detection Corpus Using Sentence Aligned Parallel Corpus: Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2015., , , and . CLEF (Working Notes), volume 1391 of CEUR Workshop Proceedings,, (2015)NoC Hot Spot minimization Using AntNet Dynamic Routing Algorithm., , , , and . ASAP, page 33-38. IEEE Computer Society, (2006)Electronic Theses and Dissertations in CRIS., , and . CRIS, volume 33 of Procedia Computer Science, page 110-117. Elsevier, (2014)