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Waves and persistence in merger and acquisition activity

, , and . Economics Letters, 70 (2): 237--243 (February 2001)

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Waves and persistence in merger and acquisition activity, , and . Economics Letters, 70 (2): 237--243 (February 2001)Exchange rate effects on the volume and variability of trade flows, , and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 21 (4): 481--496 (August 2002)Long-term dependence in stock returns, and . Economics Letters, 53 (3): 253--259 (December 1996)A nonparametric investigation of the 90-day t-bill rate, , and . Review of Financial Economics, 6 (2): 187--198 (1997)Nonlinear adjustment to purchasing power parity in the post-Bretton Woods era, , and . Journal of International Money and Finance, 20 (3): 379--399 (June 2001)Long memory or structural breaks: can either explain nonstationary real exchange rates under the current float?, , and . Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money, 9 (4): 359--376 (November 1999)