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Mini-computers in a social science instructional context., and . ACM Annual Conference (2), page 952-963. ACM, (1972)The impact of a computers and society course on student perspectives., , and . ACM Annual Conference, page 81-86. ACM, (1973)National educational computing policy alternatives., , , , and . ACM Annual Conference, page 329. ACM, (1984)Ansi basic - the proposed standard.. ACM Annual Conference, page 213. ACM, (1982)Human and social issues in the age of informatics.. Secondary School Mathematics in the World of Communication Technology, volume 119 of IFIP Conference Proceedings, page 237-246. Chapman & Hall, (1997)Designing considerate systems (abstract only).. CHI (2), page 141. ACM, (1981)Code of Ethics, , , , , , , , , and 3 other author(s). (Oct 16, 1992)Computer people and their attitudes toward computerization: A social survey of the ACM'70 Conference., and . ACM Annual Conference, page 87-91. ACM, (1973)Sociological analysis of public attitudes toward computers and information files.. AFIPS Spring Joint Computing Conference, volume 40 of AFIPS Conference Proceedings, page 649-657. AFIPS, (1972)