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MEMS-Array Monitoring of a Dam, , and . Proceedings of Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference, page 15-20. (2011)Strong altruism can evolve in randomly formed groups, and . J Theor Biol, (2004)'Ask a librarian' electronic reference services: the important of corporate culture, communication and service attitude, , , and . LASIE, 31 (4): 25--37 (2000)The role of surface molecular hydrates in the heterogeneous interaction of NH3 with sulfuric acid monohydrate, , , , , , and . Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 5 (22): 5101--5107 (2003)Venice: A Documentary History, 1450-1630, , , and . Renaissance Society of America reprint texts University of Toronto Press, (2001)Discourse structure, grounding, and prosody in task-oriented dialogue, , , and . Discourse Processes, (2003)Specific language impairment, theory of mind, and visual perspective taking: Evidence for simulation theory and the developmental role of language, , and . Child development, 77 (6): 1842--1853 (2006)Globally Wireless Locally Wired (GloWiLoW): A Clock Distribution Network for Many-Core Systems., , and . ISCAS, page 1-5. IEEE, (2018)The search for software quality, or one more trip down the yellow brick road.. ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes, 11 (1): 16-18 (1986)A 10.8pJ/bit Pulse-Position Inductive Transceiver for Low-Energy Wireless 3D Integration., , and . ESSCIRC, page 121-124. IEEE, (2019)