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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Learning to Solve AC Optimal Power Flow by Differentiating through Holomorphic Embeddings., , , und . CoRR, (2020)A large-scale evaluation of automated metadata inference approaches on sensors from air handling units., und . Adv. Eng. Informatics, (2018)Dyna-Bolt: Domain Adaptive Binary Factorization Of Current Waveforms For Energy Disaggregation., , , und . ICASSP, Seite 3262-3266. IEEE, (2020)Incremental Real-Time Personalization in Human Activity Recognition Using Domain Adaptive Batch Normalization., , und . Proc. ACM Interact. Mob. Wearable Ubiquitous Technol., 4 (4): 144:1-144:20 (2020)A Data-driven Meta-data Inference Framework for Building Automation Systems., , und . BuildSys@SenSys, Seite 23-32. ACM, (2015)The design of a hardware-software platform for long-term energy eco-feedback research., , , und . EICS, Seite 221-230. ACM, (2012)SURF and SURF-PI: a file format and API for non-intrusive load monitoring public datasets., , und . e-Energy, Seite 225-226. ACM, (2014)Damage-sensitive and domain-invariant feature extraction for vehicle-vibration-based bridge health monitoring., , , , , und . CoRR, (2020)Unmasking the Thermal Behavior of Single-Zone Multi-Room Houses: An Empirical Study., und . BuildSys@SenSys, Seite 21-30. ACM, (2023)Modeling Human Behavior in Cyber-Physical-Social Infrastructure Systems., , , und . BuildSys@SenSys, Seite 370-376. ACM, (2023)