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Brigada Covid: health education game for preschoolers., , and . SCCC, page 1-8. IEEE, (2020)Framework to prioritize digital transformation initiatives based on the country's development impact., , , and . ICEGOV, page 477-484. ACM, (2020)Externalizing the Autopoietic Part of Software to Achieve Self-Adaptability., and . SERVICES, page 107-114. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)From Virtual Organizations to Self-Organizing Web Service Compositions., , and . SCCC, page 179-186. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Web Service Compositions Which Emerge from Virtual Organizations with Fair Agreements., , and . KES-AMSTA, volume 7327 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 34-43. Springer, (2012)Surveillance Platform of cybersecurity maturity of micro and small enterprises., , and . SCCC, page 1-6. IEEE, (2020)Towards a state's digital transformation centered in public values through enterprise architecture., , and . SCCC, page 1-8. IEEE, (2019)Recommending APIs for Mashup Completion Using Association Rules Mined from Real Usage Data., , , and . SCCC, page 83-89. IEEE Computer Society, (2011)Modular Neural Network Applied to Non-Stationary Time Series., , , and . Fuzzy Days, volume 33 of Advances in Soft Computing, page 585-598. Springer, (2004)Robust Learning Algorithm for the Mixture of Experts., , , and . IbPRIA, volume 2652 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 19-27. Springer, (2003)