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Framework for Multimedia Lecture System using Real-Time Video Object Event Detection and Scripting., , и . EuroIMSA, стр. 349-352. IASTED/ACTA Press, (2005)Dependence Testing and Vectorization of Multimedia Agents., , и . VISION, стр. 40-46. CSREA Press, (2005)Automatic segmentation applied to obstetric images., , и . Medical Imaging: Image Processing, том 3338 из SPIE Proceedings, SPIE, (1998)Automatic generating detail-on-demand hypervideo using MPEG-7 and SMIL., , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 379-382. ACM, (2005)A Signature for Content-Based Image Retrieval Using a Geometrical Transform., , , и . ACM Multimedia, стр. 229-234. ACM, (1998)Fast Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Quasi-Gabor Filter and Reduction of Image Feature Dimension., , и . SSIAI, стр. 178-182. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Enhancing Screen Teleconferencing with Streaming SIMD Extensions., и . VIP, том 11 из CRPIT, стр. 143-149. Australian Computer Society, (2001)Modelling and Design of VAML., и . VIP, том 11 из CRPIT, стр. 151-152. Australian Computer Society, (2001)Texture Classification using Multi-Scale Scheme., , и . VIP, том 36 из CRPIT, стр. 67-70. Australian Computer Society, (2003)Tracking Using CamShift Algorithm and Multiple Quantized Feature Spaces., , и . VIP, том 36 из CRPIT, стр. 3-7. Australian Computer Society, (2003)