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VeriCon: Towards Verifying Controller Programs in Software-defined Networks, , , , , , , and . SIGPLAN Not., 49 (6): 282--293 (June 2014)Paths between Imperative and Functional Programming.. ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 34 (2): 21-25 (1999)SIGPLANet - A Modest Proposal for SIGPLAN in the 21st Century., and . ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 36 (4): 1-2 (2001)The Use of Program Profiling for Software Maintenance with Applications to the Year 2000 Problem., , , and . ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE, volume 1301 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 432-449. Springer, (1997)Web-based Programming for Low-cost Gaming Handhelds., , , , , , , , , and 2 other author(s). FDG, page 38:1-38:12. ACM, (2021)Model Checking Büchi Pushdown Systems., , , and . FASE, volume 6603 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 141-155. Springer, (2011)Towards Scalable Modular Checking of User-Defined Properties., , , , and . VSTTE, volume 6217 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1-24. Springer, (2010)Bebop: a path-sensitive interprocedural dataflow engine., and . PASTE, page 97-103. ACM, (2001)On the Limit of Control Flow Analysis for Regression Test Selection.. ISSTA, page 134-142. ACM, (1998)Physical computing for everyone.. ICSE-SEET, page 3. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)