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Computation of Voronoi Diagram of Planar Freeform Closed Convex Curves Using Touching Discs., and . CAD/Graphics, page 361-368. IEEE, (2013)Peeling the longest: A simple generalized curve reconstruction algorithm., , and . Comput. Graph., (2018)SketchCleanNet - A deep learning approach to the enhancement and correction of query sketches for a 3D CAD model retrieval system., , , and . CoRR, (2022)Design and development of a portable virtual reality headset., and . VRIC, page 15. ACM, (2016)Autoencoder-based part clustering for part-in-whole retrieval of CAD models., , and . Comput. Graph., (2019)Precise Voronoi cell extraction of free-form rational planar closed curves., , , and . Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling, page 51-59. ACM, (2005)Sketch and shade: an interactive assistant for sketching and shading., , , and . CAe@Expressive, page 11:1-11:2. ACM, (2017)On the visibility locations for continuous curves., , , and . Comput. Graph., (2017)Automatic structuring of organic shapes from a single drawing., , , , and . Comput. Graph., (2019)2D Points Curve Reconstruction Survey and Benchmark., , , , and . Eurographics (Tutorials), Eurographics Association, (2022)