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Choosing field methods: a reflection on a RepGrid study., , и . NordiCHI, стр. 639-642. ACM, (2010)Emotion faces: the design and evaluation of a game for preschool children., и . CHI Extended Abstracts, стр. 1453-1458. ACM, (2011)Complex Network Based Computational Techniques for 'Edgetic' Modelling of Mutations Implicated with Cardiovascular Disease., , , , и . UKCI, том 513 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 89-106. Springer, (2016)The effect of global instructions on think-aloud testing., и . CHI, стр. 2941-2944. ACM, (2013)Keep talking: an analysis of participant utterances gathered using two concurrent think-aloud methods., и . NordiCHI, стр. 581-590. ACM, (2010)Search strategies in content-based image retrieval., и . SIGIR, стр. 80-87. ACM, (2003)Gender Differences in Web Navigation., и . WWC, том 172 из IFIP Conference Proceedings, стр. 174-181. Kluwer, (2000)Exploring teenagers' motivation to exercise through technology probes., , и . BCS HCI, стр. 104-113. ACM, (2011)CHROMA: An Experimental Image Retrieval System., , и . NDDL, стр. 141-151. ICEIS Press, (2001)Integrating Association Rules Mined from Health-Care Data with Ontological Information for Automated Knowledge Generation., , и . UKCI, том 650 из Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, стр. 3-16. Springer, (2017)