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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Numerical experiments on dynamo action in sheared and rotating turbulence, , , , , , , und . Astronomische Nachrichten, 329 (7): 737--749 (2008)Plasma dynamo, , , und . (20.12.2015)Measurement and physical interpretation of the mean motion of turbulent density patterns detected by the beam emission spectroscopy system on the mega amp spherical tokamak, , , , , , und . Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 54 (9): 095012 (2012)Supergranulation and multiscale flows in the solar photosphere: Global observations vs. a theory of anisotropic turbulent convection, , , und . (19.09.2016)Suppression of thermal conduction in a mirror-unstable plasma, , , und . (03.03.2016)Finite-amplitude shear-Alfvén waves do not propagate in weakly magnetized collisionless plasmas, , und . (09.05.2016)Pressure-anisotropy-driven microturbulence and magnetic-field evolution in shearing, collisionless plasma, , und . (26.12.2015)Nonlinear mirror instability, , und . (17.07.2014)Large-Scale Magnetic Field Generation by Randomly Forced Shearing Waves, , und . Phys. Rev. Lett., 107 (25): 255004 (Dezember 2011)Inertial-Range Kinetic Turbulence in Pressure-Anisotropic Astrophysical Plasmas, , , , und . (27.01.2015)