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Quantitative ambiguities in matched versus unmatched analyses of the 2x2 table for a case-control study.

. International journal of epidemiology, 16 (1): 128-34 (March 1987)3282<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Mesures d&#039;associació.

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Clinical biostatistics. LIV. The biostatistics of concordance., and . Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, 29 (1): 111-23 (January 1981)2975<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Mesures de concordància.Quantitative ambiguities in matched versus unmatched analyses of the 2x2 table for a case-control study.. International journal of epidemiology, 16 (1): 128-34 (March 1987)3282<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Mesures d&#039;associació.The problem of cogent subgroups: a clinicostatistical tragedy. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 51 (4): 297-299 (1998)2895<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Comparacions múltiples.High agreement but low kappa: II. Resolving the paradoxes., and . Journal of clinical epidemiology, 43 (6): 551-8 (January 1990)6742<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>LR: 20071115; JID: 8801383; ppublish;<m:linebreak></m:linebreak>Mesures de concordància; Kappa.