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How Many Layers and Why? An Analysis of the Model Depth in Transformers., и . ACL (student), стр. 221-228. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Une plate-forme de conception et d'exploitation d'une grammaire d'arbres adjoints lexicalisés., , и . TALN (Articles longs), стр. 75-84. ATALA, (2003)Grammatical Development with Xmg.. LACL, том 3492 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 84-100. Springer, (2005)FrSemCor: Annotating a French Corpus with Supersenses., , , , , , и . LREC, стр. 5912-5918. European Language Resources Association, (2020)Contrasting distinct structured views to learn sentence embeddings., и . EACL (Student Research Workshop), стр. 71-79. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2021)Incremental Discontinuous Phrase Structure Parsing with the GAP Transition., и . EACL (1), стр. 1259-1270. Association for Computational Linguistics, (2017)Un modèle Transformer Génératif Pré-entrainé pour le______ français (Generative Pre-trained Transformer in______ (French) We introduce a French adaptation from the well-known GPT model)., и . TALN (1), стр. 246-255. ATALA, (2021)Analyse en dépendances du français avec des plongements contextualisés (French dependency parsing with contextualized embeddings)., и . TALN (1), стр. 106-114. ATALA, (2021)Expériences d'analyse syntaxique statistique du français., и . TALN (Articles longs), стр. 161-170. ATALA, (2008)Towards a treebank of spoken French (Vers un treebank du français parlé) in French., и . TALN (1), стр. 174-187. The Association for Computer Linguistics, (2013)