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A Spark Parallel Betweenness Centrality Computation and its Application to Community Detection Problems., , and . J. Univers. Comput. Sci., 28 (2): 160-180 (2022)Introducing MOOC-like methodologies in a face-to-face undergraduate course: a detailed case study., , , , and . Interact. Learn. Environ., 27 (1): 15-32 (2019)Optimising Eden by transformation., , , and . Scottish Functional Programming Workshop, volume 2 of Trends in Functional Programming, page 13-26. Intellect, (2000)Adding Traces to a Lazy Monadic Evaluator., , , and . EUROCAST, volume 2178 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 627-641. Springer, (2001)Non Homomorphic Reductions of Data Structures., , , and . GULP-PRODE (2), page 393-407. (1994)A Tabulation Transformation Tactic Using Haskell Arrays., , and . GULP-PRODE, page 485-496. (1995)Optimizing Eden by Program Transformation., , , and . WFLP, page 89-103. (2000)Functional Skeletons Generate Process Topologies in Eden., , and . PLILP, volume 1140 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 289-303. Springer, (1996)A gentle introduction to mutual recursion., , and . ITiCSE, page 235-239. ACM, (2008)Graphical visualization of the evaluation of functional programs., , , and . ITiCSE, page 36-38. ACM, (1996)