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Stability of digitally controlled PFC boost converter with auxiliary state vector., , и . ISIE, стр. 1-6. IEEE, (2013)Simultaneous Representation of Proper and Unit Interval Graphs., , , и . ESA, том 144 из LIPIcs, стр. 80:1-80:15. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2019)Extending Partial Representations of Circle Graphs in Near-Linear Time., , и . MFCS, том 241 из LIPIcs, стр. 25:1-25:14. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2022)Speed control of ultrahighspeed turbine - generator set with nonlinear control - loop applied for waste and renewable energy recovery., , и . ECC, стр. 4193-4198. IEEE, (2009)On 3-Coloring Circle Graphs., , и . GD (1), том 14465 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 152-160. Springer, (2023)Analysis and compensation of oscillations in digitally controlled PFC converter., , и . IECON, стр. 8356-8361. IEEE, (2013)Extending Partial Representations of Circular-Arc Graphs., , , и . WG, том 13453 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 230-243. Springer, (2022)Model Predictive Torque Control for Multilevel Inverter fed Induction Machines Using Sorting Networks., и . IEEE Access, (2021)Partial and Simultaneous Transitive Orientations via Modular Decompositions., , и . ISAAC, том 248 из LIPIcs, стр. 51:1-51:16. Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2022)Partial and Simultaneous Transitive Orientations via Modular Decomposition., , и . CoRR, (2022)