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Weitere Publikationen von Autoren mit dem selben Namen

Building Systems that Flexibly Control Downloaded Executable Content, , und . #SEC96#, (1996)Design Considerations in Choosing Operations for Building Groupware Systems., und . CSCW Tools and Technologies Workshop, Seite 9. ACM, (1992)ACM SIGOIS Bulletin 13(4), April 1993.Undoing Actions in Collaborative Work., und . CSCW, Seite 273-280. ACM, (1992)Distilling critical attack graph surface iteratively through minimum-cost SAT solving., , , , und . ACSAC, Seite 31-40. ACM, (2011)Securing sensitive content in a view-only file system., , und . Digital Rights Management Workshop, Seite 27-36. ACM, (2006)BIZSPEC: A Business-Oriented Model for Specification and Analysis of Office Information Systems., und . SEKE, Seite 191-198. Knowledge Systems Institute, (1993)Object data models to support source code queries: implementing SCA within REFINE., und . WPC, Seite 145-152. IEEE, (1994)Ensuring Authorized Updates in Multi-user Database-Backed Applications., , und . USENIX Security Symposium, Seite 1445-1462. USENIX Association, (2017)A Framework for Automatic Improvement of Workflows to Meet Performance Goals., , und . ICTAI, Seite 640-646. IEEE Computer Society, (1994)ContexloT: Towards Providing Contextual Integrity to Appified IoT Platforms., , , , , , und . NDSS, The Internet Society, (2017)