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Group Interaction through a Multi-modal Haptic Framework., , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 62-67. IEEE, (2016)Gender Classification of Face Images: The Role of Global and Feature-Based Information., , , , , и . ICONIP, том 3316 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 763-768. Springer, (2004)LSA-based Landscape Analysis for Multicast Routing., , , и . SGAI Conf., стр. 187-200. Springer, (2006)Managing Requirements Change Using Metrics and Action Planning., , и . CSMR, стр. 122-129. IEEE Computer Society, (1999)Applying Software Metrics to Formal Specifications: A Cognitive Approach., , и . IEEE METRICS, стр. 216-223. IEEE Computer Society, (1998)Physically Inspired Interactive Music Machines - Making Contemporary Composition Accessible?, , и . ICALT, стр. 224-228. IEEE Computer Society, (2003)Soundscape and haptic cues in an interactive painting: A study with autistic children., , , , , и . BioRob, стр. 375-380. IEEE, (2014)Using Optical Head-Mounted Devices (OHMD) for Provision of Feedback in Education., , и . Intelligent Environments, стр. 159-162. IEEE, (2016)Creating Smarter Teaching and Training Environments: Innovative Set-Up for Collaborative Hybrid Learning., , , , , , , , и . Intelligent Environments (Workshops), том 21 из Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments, стр. 238-248. IOS Press, (2016)The impact of 3D virtual environments on communication patterns., , и . ITHET, стр. 1-5. IEEE, (2012)