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Resilience-Driven Quantitative Analysis of Vehicle Platooning Service., , , и . IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 70 (6): 5378-5389 (2021)Rethinking Software Fault Tolerance., , и . IEEE Trans. Reliab., 73 (1): 67-72 (марта 2024)Investigating dynamic reliability and availability through state-space models., , и . Comput. Math. Appl., 64 (12): 3701-3716 (2012)Analyzing Concurrent and Fault-Tolerant Software Using Stochastic Reward Nets., , и . J. Parallel Distributed Comput., 15 (3): 255-269 (1992)An Empirical Investigation of Fault Triggers in Android Operating System., , , , и . PRDC, стр. 135-144. IEEE Computer Society, (2017)Reliability and Availability Engineering: Modeling, Analysis, and Applications, и . Cambridge University Press, (2017)Many architecture-based software reliability modelsComparison of Architecture-Based Software Reliability Models., , и . ISSRE, стр. 22-33. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)Modeling and Analysis of Software Rejuvenation in Cable Modem Termination Systems., , , , и . ISSRE, стр. 159-170. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Reliability Prediction and Sensitivity Analysis Based on Software Architecture., и . ISSRE, стр. 64-78. IEEE Computer Society, (2002)Computing the Number of Calls Dropped Due to Failures., , и . ISSRE, стр. 11-20. IEEE Computer Society, (2010)