Author of the publication

Adaptive Loading Plan Decision Based upon Limited Transport Capacity.

, , , , , , , and . DASFAA (3), volume 12114 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 685-697. Springer, (2020)

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Adaptive Loading Plan Decision Based upon Limited Transport Capacity., , , , , , , and . DASFAA (3), volume 12114 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 685-697. Springer, (2020)An effective method for night time video enhancement., , and . ICNC, page 1758-1762. IEEE, (2013)Multi-source Logistics Data Management Architecture., , , and . WISE, volume 13724 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 641-649. Springer, (2022)Road Closure Detection based upon Multi-feature Fusion., , , and . SIGSPATIAL/GIS, page 354-364. ACM, (2021)Road Intersection Detection Based on Direction Ratio Statistics Analysis., , , , and . MDM, page 288-297. IEEE, (2019)SAMI: A Shape-Aware Cycling Map Inference Framework for Designated Driving Service., , , , , , , and . ICDE, page 3269-3281. IEEE, (2023)HyMU: A Hybrid Map Updating Framework., , and . DASFAA (2), volume 10178 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 19-33. Springer, (2017)Discovering Underground Roads from Trajectories Without Road Network., , and . WAIM (1), volume 9658 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 137-150. Springer, (2016)IPTV User QoE Prediction based on Broad Learning System., , , and . ICCC, page 584-589. IEEE, (2019)Feature Grouping-Based Outlier Detection upon Streaming Trajectories (Extended Abstract)., , , and . ICDE, page 1745-1746. IEEE Computer Society, (2018)