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Nested Composite Nodes and Version Control in an Open Hypermedia System., , and . Inf. Syst., 20 (6): 501-519 (1995)An Infrastructure for Development of Dynamically Adaptable Distributed Components., , and . CoopIS/DOA/ODBASE (2), volume 3291 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1285-1302. Springer, (2004)Developing SPMD applications with load balancing., , and . Parallel Comput., 29 (6): 743-766 (2003)A tool for SPMD application development with support for load balancing., , and . PARCO, page 639-646. Imperial College Press, (1999)Dynamic Reconfiguration of Component-Based Applications., and . PDSE, page 32-39. IEEE Computer Society, (2000)Distributed Environment for Web-Based Network Management., and . LCN, page 41-48. IEEE Computer Society, (2001)EventManager - a tool to help students analyse concurrent programs., , and . SBLP, page 24-31. ACM, (2022)A Scalable Multilayer Middleware for Distributed Monitoring and Complex Event Processing for Smart Cities., , and . ISC2, page 1-8. IEEE, (2018)Web Based Management with Lua., and . LANOMS, (1999)Dynamic Extension of CORBA Servers., , and . Euro-Par, volume 1685 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, page 1369-1376. Springer, (1999)