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Application of information technology: Integrating Incident Reporting into an Electronic Patient Record System.

, , , , , and . J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 14 (2): 175-181 (2007)

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Application of information technology: Integrating Incident Reporting into an Electronic Patient Record System., , , , , and . J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc., 14 (2): 175-181 (2007)Online self adjusting progressive age monitoring of timing variations., , , , and . DTIS, page 1-2. IEEE, (2015)Computer programs to estimate overoptimism in measures of discrimination for predicting the risk of cardiovascular diseases., and . Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 19 (2): 358-62 (April 2013)6705<br/>CI: (c) 2012; JID: 9609066; aheadofprint;<br/>Models predictius; Avaluació de riscs; CV; SAS; Software estadístic.