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The Earth Mover's Distance as a Metric for Image Retrieval., , , и . стр. 99-121. (2000)A Computational Framework for Handling Motion., , и . ALENEX/ANALC, стр. 129-141. SIAM, (2004)Counting and cutting cycles of lines and rods in space, , , , , , и . Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, 1 (6): 305―323 (1992)The Power of Geometric Duality, , и . BIT, 25 (1): 76―90 (1985)Static and kinetic geometric spanners with applications., и . SODA, стр. 168-176. ACM/SIAM, (2001)Robust Global Registration., , , и . Symposium on Geometry Processing, том 255 из ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, стр. 197-206. Eurographics Association, (2005)The Design and Analysis of Geometric Algorithms.. IFIP Congress (1), том A-51 из IFIP Transactions, стр. 211-212. North-Holland, (1994)Finding Extrema with Unary Predicates., , , , и . Algorithmica, 9 (6): 591-600 (1993)A New Proof of the Linearity of the Boyer-Moore String Searching Algorithm., и . SIAM J. Comput., 9 (4): 672-682 (1980)Fast Collision Detection Among Multiple Moving Spheres., , и . IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph., 4 (3): 230-242 (1998)