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Combining Safety and Security in Autonomous Cars Using Blockchain Technologies., , , и . SAFECOMP Workshops, том 11699 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 223-234. Springer, (2019)Hardware control flow integrity., , , , и . The Continuing Arms Race, ACM / Morgan & Claypool, (2018)EF↯CF: High Performance Smart Contract Fuzzing for Exploit Generation., , , , , , и . EuroS&P, стр. 449-471. IEEE, (2023)Sereum: Protecting Existing Smart Contracts Against Re-Entrancy Attacks., , , и . CoRR, (2018)EVMPatch: Timely and Automated Patching of Ethereum Smart Contracts., , , и . USENIX Security Symposium, стр. 1289-1306. USENIX Association, (2021)PSiOS: bring your own privacy & security to iOS devices., , , , и . AsiaCCS, стр. 13-24. ACM, (2013)CHASE: A Configurable Hardware-Assisted Security Extension for Real-Time Systems., , , , и . ICCAD, стр. 1-8. ACM, (2019)SCAtt-man: Side-Channel-Based Remote Attestation for Embedded Devices that Users Understand., , , , и . CODASPY, стр. 225-236. ACM, (2023)RiscyROP: Automated Return-Oriented Programming Attacks on RISC-V and ARM64., , , , , , , и . RAID, стр. 30-42. ACM, (2022)Salsa: SGX Attestation for Live Streaming Applications., , , и . SecDev, стр. 45-51. IEEE, (2022)