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Choice, interoperability, and conformance in interaction protocols and service choreographies., , , , , и . AAMAS (2), стр. 843-850. IFAAMAS, (2009)OWL-P: A Methodology for Business Process Development., , , и . AOIS, том 3529 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 79-94. Springer, (2005)Programming Multiagent Systems without Programming Agents., и . PROMAS, том 5919 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 1-14. Springer, (2009)Stellar: A Programming Model for Developing Protocol-Compliant Agents., и . EMAS@AAMAS, том 11375 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 117-136. Springer, (2018)Multiagent Foundations for Distributed Systems: A Vision., , и . EMAS@AAMAS, том 13190 из Lecture Notes in Computer Science, стр. 62-71. Springer, (2021)Interaction-Oriented Programming: An Application Semantics Approach for Engineering Decentralized Applications., , и . PODC, стр. 575-576. ACM, (2021)Requirements Engineering for Social Applications., и . iStar, том 766 из CEUR Workshop Proceedings, стр. 138-143., (2011)Regulated MAS: Social Perspective., , , , и . Normative Multi-Agent Systems, том 4 из Dagstuhl Follow-Ups, Schloss Dagstuhl - Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik, (2013)Clouseau: Generating Communication Protocols from Commitments., и . AAAI, стр. 7244-7252. AAAI Press, (2020)Cupid: Commitments in Relational Algebra., и . AAAI, стр. 2052-2059. AAAI Press, (2015)